Acting for Theatre and Film Wednesday

TERM DATES Wednesday 30th April to Wednesday 2nd July 2025

TIME 7.15pm – 9.15pm  

VENUE The Plum, The Uniting Church, 66 Garden Lane, Chester, CH1 4EW (entrance is on the corner of Plum terrace, through the iron gate).

PRICE £219

This is an advanced, invitation/only course which follows on from our first Acting for Theatre & Film course. You will require an invitation code to book this course.

On completion of our entry-level course, you will graduate to this follow on course (AH2 – Acting for Theatre & Film 2). This course will revisit the work you have done so far however you will delve deeper into the techniques and practitioners to gain a deeper understanding and sharpen your tools. You will also get the opportunity to share your work with an end of term performance. Once this course is complete you will be invited to graduate to AHPRO.

Now that you have a greater understanding of the techniques, we like to teach along with your specialist skills, we like to go back over each technique to discover more and also check that you are applying them to your work. For example, we delve deeper into practitioner Uta Hagen to gain a better understanding of ourselves. We take Meisner's repeat exercise to stage 4 & 5. We work on longer, more complex text which has a range of periods from period drama to currently running new plays. 

We invite back previously met guest tutors to work on voice projection; improv skills and movement. We also invite Liverpool playwright and director Bob Farquhar, to work with you on his scripts. We look at how you are responsible to pace and energy levels of your work within the scene.